Our Services
Exterior House Cleaning Services in GTA and Surrounding Areas
Maintaining your home to keep it looking and feeling great requires regular care and attention, which can be challenging to manage. Let Grime Fighters Outdoor Services handle your home’s maintenance for you! Our professional services include exterior window washing, power washing and soft washing, ensuring your home receives the best treatment. We make it simple to keep your home in top condition.Call us or book online today, and enjoy having the shiniest home on the block!
Cities Serviced
Window Cleaning
Our cleaners are experienced in cleaning all types of windows including single pane, double pane, french pane, skylights, glass panels, storm windows, patio covers, solariums, and more. We’ve got the right equipment to clean every type of window, inside and out. If it’s made of glass, our cleaners know how to clean it!
Window Cleaning Services
Exterior window cleaning
Interior window cleaning
Storm window cleaning
Screen cleaning
Glass rail panel cleaning
Skylight washing
Gutter Cleaning
Professional gutter cleaning services make it easy to ensure that this important task is done right. Our friendly, uniformed cleaners will take the worry out of cleaning your gutters by doing the job safely and efficiently in just one detailed visit. Keeping your gutters clean is one of the most important projects for your home, so let us be your go-to experts!
Gutter Cleaning Services
Interior gutter cleaning
Exterior gutter washing
Roof sweeping
Power Washing
Our power washing service avoids harsh chemicals, utilizing the latest technology to achieve outstanding results. Our trained technicians aim to minimize inconvenience and maximize convenience. They will carefully move and replace any patio furniture or other belongings as necessary to ensure a thorough power washing in a single detailed visit.
Surfaces We Powerwash
Professional Window Washing in Toronto
Are you tired of the long list of things to do around the house? Let Grime Fighters take care of some for you! Our team of professionals will have your home shining bright in one detailed visit.
The humid Toronto summers and freezing cold winters can take a toll on the exterior of your home. Grime Fighters outdoor services can help remove the dirt and grime that accumulate over the course of the year, giving your home a brighter look!
Our window washing services will allow the beautiful Toronto sun to shine into your home all year round (and let you enjoy the view of the snow from your warm living room during those cold winter months!).
Our window washing service is our most common and is done either with our water-fed pole and filtration system or by hand using a squeegee. With our system, we can clean not only the windows but also the frames and sills surrounding them!
Contact Us
Toronto, Ontario
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
9:00 am – 6:00 pm